Vatican Announces Canonization of Blessed Carlo Acutis and Other Devout Figures

Vatican Announces Canonization of Blessed Carlo Acutis and Other Devout Figures


May 24 2024


Blessed Carlo Acutis to be Declared a Saint

The Vatican has announced that Blessed Carlo Acutis, along with several other revered figures, will be declared saints. This declaration comes as exciting yet solemn news to the Catholic community worldwide. Carlo Acutis, born in London in 1991, spent much of his short life demonstrating an exceptional level of faith and devotion. Unfortunately, his life was tragically cut short when he succumbed to leukemia at the age of 15 in Monza, Italy. Despite his brief time on Earth, Carlo's profound impact on those around him and his deep spiritual life have resonated with many across the globe.

Known for his fascination with technology, Carlo utilized his skills to evangelize, creating a website dedicated to cataloging Eucharistic miracles worldwide. In a world increasingly enmeshed with the digital domain, Carlo's efforts to intertwine faith and technology have made him a relatable figure, especially among the youth. This mix of exceptional faith and modern innovation perhaps set the stage for his rapid rise within the church's ranks.

In 2020, Pope Francis beatified Carlo Acutis in Assisi, a place that held great spiritual significance for the young Blessed. Working towards his beatification involved a detailed study of Carlo's life, including testimonies from those who knew him and those touched by his example. Assisi, known for its association with St. Francis, became an even more significant pilgrimage site for many young Catholics inspired by Carlo's message and journey. Following his beatification, an increasing number of pilgrims visited Carlo’s tomb, firmly establishing his status as a guiding light for Catholic youth and the larger community.

A Miraculous Healing

A Miraculous Healing

One of the pivotal milestones in Carlo Acutis' journey towards sainthood was the recognition of a miracle attributed to his intercession. This miraculous event involved the healing of Liliana, a woman from Costa Rica, whose daughter Valeria had suffered severe head trauma following a bicycle accident. The prognosis for Valeria was grim, but Liliana fervently prayed at Carlo's tomb in Assisi. Her prayers seemingly ushered in a divine intervention as Valeria began to breathe spontaneously and made an unexpectedly swift and complete recovery. This extraordinary event was rigorously investigated by the church and deemed an authentic miracle, clearing a major hurdle on the path to Carlo's canonization.

Additional Canonizations and Recognitions

Additional Canonizations and Recognitions

Carlo Acutis is not the only figure to be canonized in this significant announcement by the Vatican. Pope Francis has also sanctioned the canonization of Blessed Giuseppe Allamano, Marie-Léonie Paradis, and Elena Guerra. Allamano, an Italian presbyter, is celebrated for founding the Consolata Missionaries, an order committed to evangelization and missionary work. Marie-Léonie Paradis, a Canadian religious sister, founded the Little Sisters of the Holy Family, an order dedicated to supporting the clergy. Elena Guerra, an Italian nun from the 19th century, fervently promoted the devotion to the Holy Spirit among the Catholic faithful.

Alongside these canonizations, Pope Francis has also acknowledged miracles attributed to several other venerable figures. Venerable Giovanni Merlini, a figure closely associated with the establishment of the devotion to the Precious Blood of Christ, has had a miracle recognized on his behalf. Similarly, Servant of God Stanislav Kostka Streich and Servant of God Mária Magdolna Bódi have also had miracles attributed to their intercessions acknowledged by the church.

Heroic Virtues Recognized

Additionally, the heroic virtues of several individuals have been acknowledged, a recognition that often precedes beatification and potentially canonization. These virtues highlight the exceptional faith, admirable perseverance, and unwavering devotion exhibited by these figures in their earthly lives.

The announcement detailing the canonizations and recognitions comes as a source of inspiration and reflection for many Catholics. It emphasizes the continued relevance of sainthood in contemporary times, showcasing a blend of historical figures and modern saints who embody the core tenets of the faith dynamically. It also highlights the church’s acknowledgment of the impactful lives led by these men and women, who, through their extraordinary faith and actions, have left a lasting imprint on the Catholic community and the world at large.

In conclusion, the Vatican's declaration of new saints, including Carlo Acutis, Giuseppe Allamano, Marie-Léonie Paradis, and Elena Guerra, alongside the recognized miracles attributed to Giovanni Merlini, Stanislav Kostka Streich, and Mária Magdolna Bódi, marks a significant moment of celebration and reflection for the Catholic community around the world. It brings to light the stories of these remarkable individuals whose faith, dedication, and actions resonate deeply, remaining a source of inspiration and hope in contemporary society.

The decision to canonize Carlo Acutis, in particular, serves as a poignant reminder of the potential for sanctity even within the briefest of lives and showcases the impactful legacy that one individual can leave behind.

tag: Carlo Acutis canonization Vatican Pope Francis

Liona Fairchild

Liona Fairchild Author

I am a passionate journalist specializing in news with a focus on daily happenings across Africa. My work involves keeping the public informed and engaged with the latest developments on the continent.


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