Moses Kuria Reflects on Life Post-Cabinet: A Journey from Constant Calls to Quiet Reflection

Moses Kuria Reflects on Life Post-Cabinet: A Journey from Constant Calls to Quiet Reflection


Aug 13 2024


Moses Kuria Reflects on Life Post-Cabinet: A Journey from Constant Calls to Quiet Reflection

Life after public office often brings drastic changes, and for former Public Service Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria, the shift has been palpable. Reflecting on his experiences since his departure from the cabinet, Kuria has noted a significant reduction in the frequency of phone calls he receives. This stark contrast has not gone unnoticed by Kuria, who shared his observations during an interview with Citizen TV on the night of August 13.

In a candid and somewhat humorous account, Kuria revealed that his phone, which used to buzz incessantly, has now gone eerily silent. So much so, that he confessed to considering taking his phone to a technician, suspecting it might be malfunctioning. This lack of contact has been a sharp reminder of the transient nature of power and influence in public office.

Silent Phone, Active Mind

While the silence of his phone could easily lead to feelings of isolation or irrelevance, Kuria has chosen to view it pragmatically. Instead of dwelling on the lack of calls, he has found solace and productivity in his private endeavors. One of the primary activities occupying his time is the writing of a book, a project he started back in January 2024. Kuria is optimistic about launching this literary work by December, a testament to his focus and dedication to meaningful pursuits.

But it’s not just his book that keeps him engaged. Despite stepping back from the limelight, Kuria has received invitations to speak on global issues at various international forums. These invitations are both an acknowledgment of his expertise and a testament to his enduring relevance in discussions beyond the national sphere. Kuria's engagement in these forums highlights how former public figures can continue to contribute to societal discourse even after leaving official positions.

A Humorous Yet Harsh Job Offer

In what can only be described as a bizarre twist of fate, Kuria shared an anecdote that underscores the sometimes harsh realities of life after public service. He recounted receiving a peculiar job offer – one for a mortuary attendant. The offer, which he described as harsh and terrible, serves as a stark reminder of how quickly the significance of former public officials can be recalibrated once they leave their offices.

The levity with which Kuria approached this episode speaks volumes about his resilience and positive outlook. Rather than feeling demeaned or defeated, he chose to share this story humorously, demonstrating an ability to find humor in adversity. This resilience is a crucial trait, especially for public figures transitioning to life outside of government corridors.

Commitment to Constitutional Reforms

Despite his departure from public speaking and official duties, Kuria remains committed to advocating for constitutional reforms. He stated clearly that his exit from public life would not deter his efforts to push for changes he believes are necessary for the country's progress. This unwavering commitment underscores a deeper sense of purpose that transcends the roles and titles associated with public office.

Kuria’s resolve to continue this advocacy signifies his dedication to the principles he stood for during his tenure as a Cabinet Secretary. By focusing on constitutional reforms, he aims to contribute meaningfully to the nation's development, ensuring that his influence and vision for a better governance structure endure beyond his public office.

Last Public Interview

In what appears to be a defining moment, Kuria announced that his interview with Citizen TV would be his last public interview. This declaration marks his gradual retreat from the public eye, allowing him to focus on his private life and personal projects. While this may come as a surprise to many of his followers, it is also a reflection of his desire to embark on new chapters with intentionality and focus. His decision reflects a broader trend among former public officials who seek quieter yet equally impactful paths post their official duties.

As Kuria navigates this new phase, he leaves behind a legacy marked by both achievements and controversies. Like many public figures, his tenure had its fair share of highs and lows, but his enduring commitment to public service remains undisputed. His transition offers a lens into the challenges and opportunities that come with life after public office, and his story serves as both a reminder and an inspiration to those following similar paths.

Ultimately, the narrative of Moses Kuria post-Cabinet Secretary role is a rich tapestry of humor, resilience, and dedication. His ability to find purpose beyond the confines of public office showcases the potential for former officials to remain influential and engaged in their own unique ways. For Kuria, this journey from constant calls to quiet reflection is just another chapter in a life dedicated to public service and reform.

tag: Moses Kuria Public Service Cabinet Secretary Constitutional Reforms

Liona Fairchild

Liona Fairchild Author

I am a passionate journalist specializing in news with a focus on daily happenings across Africa. My work involves keeping the public informed and engaged with the latest developments on the continent.


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